When the last burgers were sold on July 18th and the 20+ Local 655 volunteers who endured hours of extreme heat outside of Cross Keys Schnucks in Florissant began to break down the table we had raised over $15,000 to fund Sickle Cell Disease research.
This didn’t happen in one day. Union Representatives Levi Eddins and Theresa Hester worked for months soliciting donations, material as well as monetary, from a wide array of companies and other unions. By the time July 18th rolled around Levi & Theresa had attracted the support of nearly 100 sponsors and partners for the event!
This solid groundwork allowed the event itself to go off without a hitch; volunteers served hundreds of hungry North County Residents hot dogs, burgers, brats, rip tips & pork steaks while Local 655 staff (including President David Cook!) & additional volunteers worked the barbecue pit. All the while staff from Delete Blood Cancer/DKMS registered folks in the bone marrow registry.
State Representatives Bill Otto, Sharon Pace, and Tommie Pierson; Florissant City Councilmen Keith Schildroth and Tommy Siam, and representatives from the offices of Senator Maria Chapelle-Nadal and Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay were among those served at the event.
Raising $15,000 makes us one of, if not the top UFCW Locals in fundraising for Faces of our Children, the UFCW’s Sickle Cell Disease Charity. Thanks again to Levi, Theresa, and all of our dedicated volunteers.