Union Density
By: President Dave Cook
For the past three years I have talked about the need to increase our Union density.
I have explained how increasing our union density in our core industries will help improve your standard of living. I have also asked you to help us by talking to the unorganized about the benefits of being a Local 655 member.
Now I have a direct request. Next week September 23rd and 26th employees at Express Scripts will vote on whether to be represented by Local 655 or not. Now is your chance to help yourself.
Reach out and talk to any friends, neighbors or relatives you know that are employees of Express Scripts and tell them about the benefits of being a member of the largest service sector Union in the state of Missouri. Explain to them about the Health & Welfare and/or retirement benefits you have guaranteed in your contract. Let them know about the grievance procedure that guarantees you have representation if you are mistreated on the job.
I know you’re busy every day, but I am asking you to take a few minutes and reach out to any and all express Scripts employees you know. These employees have been required to attend company meetings and listen to management’s side. I urge you to explain the union side. We have had our entire staff house calling these employees. However, there is no better group to discuss the benefits of unionizing with Local 655 than you, our current members. Please help me help you. When we grow our Union density we improve our standard of living.