By now, you’ve heard about the campaign to put so-called “Right to Work” on the ballot, and have hopefully signed the petition. (If you haven’t signed, please find a location near you on this list and make sure to drop by and sign.)
What you may not know is that we’re not there yet: we still need your help to ensure we gather enough signatures to be successful in this history-making campaign.
This Saturday, July 15th is a critical Day of Action—and we need your help. We’ll meet up at 10 locations across the state, then fan out to collect signatures at busy sites in our communities.
It’s a great chance to volunteer for this historic effort, as well as talk to friends and neighbors about the damage so-called “Right to Work” will do to working Missourians.
Join us this Saturday, and help send a message to Jefferson City that they can’t take away our voices.
In Solidarity,
President David Cook