Thanks to the efforts of UFCW and our partnership with the USDA, we have secured funding for retail grocery employees who served as essential workers over the last 3 years during the pandemic.
This effort would not have been possible without our partners who voluntarily gave money to our Active Ballot Club (ABC) Fund. Our ability to engage in the political process is vital in our efforts to advocate for our partners. Those who choose to give $1/week to this fund invested in their future and now it’s paying off.
Our records indicate that you are not currently donating to this program. I would ask you to please reconsider and begin donating to help us continue working for your benefit. If you are interested in donating please reach out to your Union Representative and they can help you participate going forward. If you are currently donating I apologize for the misunderstanding. As you can see, it’s an investment that pays heavy dividends.
On Feb 15th the application process will open. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first served basis, so we’re encouraging you to apply as soon as possible and share all this information with your coworkers. The video below will offer a step-by-step explanation on what you need to apply. Once the process opens, you can apply by visiting the UFCW Charity Foundation website.
Please watch the video below closely and mark the Feb 15th on your calendar.
David Cook
President, UFCW Local 655