CVS has begun processing contract raises along with back pay. Employees making less than $11.00 per hour should have seen this on your check beginning with your paycheck dated January 29, 2021. In order to process the contract raises and backpay, the raises/backpay have been scheduled in stages over a series of paychecks.
- Effective 6/28/20, all employees shall receive a minimum increase of forty cents (40¢) per hour.
- All EE’s under $11.40 were processed on check dated 1/29/21
- All other employees will see the increase on check dated 2/12/21
- Effective 12/27/20, the minimum base rate for all employees shall be $12.00 per hour.
- This will be processed on check dated 2/26/21
- Effective 12/27/20, all employees shall receive a wage adjustment equal to 1% for each full year of service up to a maximum of 10% (including prior Schnucks service).
- This will be processed on check dated 3/12/21. If CVS can get this processed earlier, this could be on check dated 2/26/21.
If you feel there are errors regarding your paycheck and the contractual raises/backpay, first contact your Pharmacy Manager. If the error cannot be resolved, please contact your Union Representative or contact Local 655’s CVS Hotline at 636-736-2773.
Additionally, our Health and Welfare Fund has received hours reports from CVS regarding your hours worked from November 1, 2020. If you have any questions regarding the UFCW Local 655 Health Insurance, please call the Health and Welfare Fund at 314-835-2700 and ask for enrollment.