If you would like to save money while earning higher than usual rates, and borrow money at lower than normal rates, your Union makes it easy for you to do just that. All Local 655 members – and members of their immediate families – are eligible to join the Vantage Credit Union (formerly Spirit of St. Louis Credit Union). Even if you leave Local 655, you may remain a member of the Credit Union for life. Among the services offered by the Credit Union are:

And all accounts are insured up to $100,00 by the National Credit Union Administration, a federal agency. To get more information about joining Vantage Credit Union call us at 314-298-0055 or 800-522-6009. You can also e-mail us at

300 Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO. 63011 | 636-394-6500 | 800-882-6560 | Fax: 636-394-5006