Dear CVS Pharmacy Techs and Lead Pharmacy Technicians,
We are happy to inform you that CVS is making substantial adjustments to their entry level pay structure. Effective with the 2nd payroll period in September, the new entry level wage for Pharmacy Technicians will move to $16.00 per hour.
To compensate those employees that are currently earning less than $16.00 per hour, the following rules will apply:
- All employees below the rate of $16.00 per hour will be moved to $16.00 per hour, plus they will receive an additional 1.5% increase for each year of combined service with CVS/Schnucks; not to exceed $17.20 per hour. As an example, an employee currently making $15.20 that has 3 years of combined service would move to $16.00 per hour and then would receive 1.5% increase for each year which equates toa 4.5% increase above $16.00. Their new rate of pay would be $16.72. Any employees making between $16.00 and $17.20 will receive a pay increase equal to 1.5% for each year of combined service; not to exceed a pay rate of $17.20. In addition to any raises outlined above, all employees will continue to receive the contractual raises as described in your Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Additionally, the Company has agreed to increase the “Lead” duty premium from sixty cents ($0.60) to one dollar ($1.00), thereforefor Lead Pharmacy Technicians, the new entry level wage effective with the 2nd pay period in September will be $17.00.
All leads currently earning less than $17.00 per hour will be moved to $17.00 per hour, plus they will receive an additional 1.5% increase for each year of combined service with CVS/Schnucks; not to exceed $18.28 per hour. As an example, an employee currently making $16.20 that has 3 years of combine service would move to $17.00 per hour and then would receive 1.5% increase for each year, which equates to a 4.5% increase above $17.00. Their new rate of pay would be $17.76. Any Lead Pharmacy Technicians making between $17.00 and $18.28 will receive a pay increase equal to 1.5% for each year of combined service not to exceed a pay rate of $18.28. In addition to the raises outlined above, Pharmacy Technician Leads would also continue to receive the contractual raises as described in your Collective Bargaining Agreement.
CVS has also announced the entry level wages will again increase for each classification byJuly of 2022. While we know the entry wages will be increased, we have not worked out the effect this will have on other wages close to those rates. As we continue to discuss this with CVS, we will keep you updated.
If you have any questions on this, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Union Representative.
David Cook
President, UFCW Local 655