As Election Day draws closer, it’s our responsibility to communicate with our partners about the issues that impact hard-working people every day on the job. As we prepare to educate you on how many issue can affect your life, we also want you to know that we care about YOUR input on things like Minimum Wage, Right-to-Work, Equal Pay, and much more.
We are here to represent YOUR needs and interests on the job. We serve you, the many, not ourselves, the few. That’s why we want YOUR input as we craft our agenda going forward. Every few weeks, all through the summer, we’re going to be asking you to provide us with valuable feedback on the important issues of the day. In short: we want to hear from you, so we can better represent you with your lawmakers across the state and across the country.
We have a new survey online dealing with three key issues facing hard-working families. It’s only 10 questions, and you can take it in less than 5 minutes. Take a moment and tell us how YOU feel about these important debates, and help us to better represent you!
Click here to take our new survey:
Thank you for your feedback. We can’t do this without your input.
David A. Cook
President, UFCW Local 655