Please join us for a historic event in Jefferson City at the Capitol as workers and families from all over the state gather to submit signatures to repeal SB 19, the harmful, so-called “right-to-work” law. We will be gathering in the Capitol Rotunda for a brief program followed by a walk to the Missouri Secretary of State’s office to submit our signatures.
Gather under the rotunda, inside the Capitol Building
Attendees will need to go through security before being allowed entrance to the Capitol. Avoid bringing items that you think will not be permitted through security. Please dress as you would for work. Enter through the South First Floor Door, known as the Carriage Entrance, which faces High Street or the East Basement Door.
To learn more about the March, Rally, or those coming from your area, please call:
St. Louis area
Jeremy Snyder 314-565-2242
Lori Giannini 314-780-2270
Suburban St. Louis
Jim Reinheimer 314-603-6411
Jeff Palmier 314-560-4324
Merri Berry 314-420-8095
Jefferson City area
Jake Crismon 573-353-0212
Columbia area and west
Susan McClintic 573-268-9590
Tom King 816-255-7801
Kansas City area
Brian Simmons 816-812-8880
St. Joseph and NW Missouri
Jessica Podhola 816-785-5126
North central and Northeastern
Mike Johnson 660-342-7296
Springfield and SW Missouri
Clark Brown 417-894-9350
Bridget Kelly 314-239-7692
Cape Girardeau and SE Missouri
Lee Asher 314-805-6762