You may already be aware that Teamsters Local 688 has called for a boycott of Schnucks stores in the greater St. Louis region. We want to keep you informed about how to deal with this boycott, and ensure we continue to protect the more than 5,000 partners we have at Schnucks.
Q: “Should I continue to work?”
A: Yes. This is not a strike or a picket line. If you wish to keep your job, you have an obligation to continue to work. If you do not work as a sign of support for the boycott, Schnucks can take disciplinary action against you.
Q: “Is it ok for me to show my support for this boycott when posting on social media?”
A: Exercise great caution posting on social media about this issue. Negative statements about your employer on social media can be considered as making disparaging remarks, which may be grounds for disciplinary action.
Q: “What do I tell customers who ask me about this boycott while I’m working?”
A: Refer them to your manager. We cannot stress enough how important it is for your safety not to engage in conversations about this boycott with customers in the store. Managers can have those conversations, but you should not.
Q: “Should I continue to shop at Schnucks during this boycott?”
A: You should shop wherever you feel most comfortable. We understand that some people will choose to shop somewhere else as a sign of support for the Teamsters and that’s their decision. Remember that Shop ‘n Save and Dierbergs both employ UFCW Local 655 partners, and patronizing these stores during this time would be the best alternative, but also remember that Schnucks has more than 5,000 UFCW Local 655 partners as well.
Q: “I have more questions about this, who can I talk to?”
A: You can contact your local Union Rep any time if you have questions about the boycott. Their contact information is under the ‘About Us’ tab.