UFCW Local 655 is a strong supporter of the brave men and women who served their country in the armed forces. That is why this year, on Memorial Day, we will be posting photos of our partners and or their family members that served in the U.S. Armed Forces, to thank those that fought to protect the many freedoms we enjoy today.
Over the next month, we ask that any of our Local 655 family that served in the military submit photos of themselves in uniform so we can build a photo album for our website and social media pages showing the world the brave men and women of Local 655 that stood up for their country and chose to serve.
If you, or a close relative, served in the military and would like to see them honored in our album, please submit your photos via email to CReischman@ufcw655.org, or post them directly to our Facebook page at Facebook.com/UFCW655.
We want to make sure these courageous men and women get the recognition they deserve so PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION for any uniformed person you submit in a photo:
Name, Branch of the Military, Rate, Rating or Rank, Years of Service, one place you served during your time, and the company you currently work for (if you’re a current member of Local 655).
We want to thank you for the bravery you showed for this country, and we hope we can show some gratitude to you by telling the world about how the hard-working families of Local 655 fight for their country.
If you have any questions about submissions, contact your union rep, or Communications Director Collin Reischman at 314.775.4174.
Thank You,
Local 655 President, David A. Cook