“‘Right-to-Work’ also known as ‘Freedom-to-Work’ is legislation being pushed by large corporations to strip the working class families of their voice by driving down wages to increase corporate profit. ‘Right-to-Work’ is unfair by placing the burden of carrying non-union workers on the back of union workers’ dime. Thus causing unions to concentrate their efforts on maintaining their existing members and keeping them from concentrating on the issues important to working class families.”
Bill Thomas- Employee at Dierbergs Deer Creek
“‘Right-to-Work’ hurts the middle class working people in a number of ways. The middle class in ‘Right-to-Work’ states have no voice, their living environment decreases, and they receive lower wages. Security is no longer there and the fact of the matter is big corporations are benefiting greatly and these are just a few things about how bad ‘Right-to-Work’ really is.”
Theresa Hester- Employee at Shop-N-Save Ferguson
“If Missouri were to pass the ‘Right-to-Work’ law. Wages would drop and the entire community would suffer. Everyone’s quality of life would go down. Missouri is ranked in the top 10 nationally in private sector job-growth, better than all of our ‘Right-to-Work’ neighbors.”
Craig Schmader- Employee at Dierbergs Deer Creek
“Right now there’s a lot of companies that work together to create new jobs and to better working conditions. ‘Right-to-Work’ would halt that; bringing less money, weaken benefits, and lack of job security. ‘Right-to-Work’ would give companies more power to lower wages, lessen benefits, and leave the employees with no voice.”
Lynn Rowe- Employee at Dierbergs Florissant
“After working in a ‘Right-to-Work’ state for 14 years, I can assure you it’s detrimental to the entire working class. Not only was I in fear of loosing my job daily, but I was always on guard from upper management. Wages were kept low in an effort to increase company and CEO profits.”
Nancy Reilly- Employee at Dierbers Bogey Hills