In another attack on working families, the United States House of Representatives approved a bill last week that would allow employers to pay workers nothing for overtime work, other than the promise of compensatory time—”comp time”—that can only be used at the employer’s discretion.
This legislation, HR 1406, proposed by Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Rep. Martha Roby, is shrouded in misleading language, but is actually just another attempt by Republicans to get rid of paid overtime.
The bill passed in the House by a vote of 223-204, but the so-called Working Families Flexibility Act (HR 1406) must still be voted upon by the U.S. Senate. That’s why every working man and woman must fight these wolves in sheep’s clothing, and let our Senators know that there will be no more giveaways from the pockets of working men and women.
Flexibility for whom?
There’s nothing “flexible” about the bill dubbed the “Working Families Flexibility Act” (HR1406). The bill’s sponsors say it, would give employees the “freedom” to determine work schedules and time off. In reality, this bill would push more work for less pay.
The good news about the bill, according to AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker and Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) is that it is unlikely this attack on workers’ pay will go further.
The Senate is not expected to take up the bill and the Obama administration says the president’s veto pen is ready even if it does pass.
Unfortunately, three Democratic repre-sentatives voted for the bill—Reps. Collin Peterson (Minn.), Henry Cuellar (Texas) and Jim Matheson (Utah). On the other side, eight Republicans stood with working families and voted against the bill. They are Reps. Frank LoBiondo (N.J.), David Joyce (Ohio), Chris Smith (N.J.), Michael Grimm (N.Y.), Jon Runyan (N.J.), Don Young (Alaska), Pat Meehan (Pa.) and Richard Hanna (N.Y).
Missouri Democrats Lacy Clay (Dist. 1) and Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (Dist. 5) voted against the bill. Missouri Republican Representatives Ann Wagner (2nd), Blaine Luetkemeyer (3rd), Vicky Hartzler (4th), Sam Graves (6th) and
Billy Long (7th) voted for this terrible antiworker bill.
Contact your United States Senator either online or by phone and let your voice be heard. Tell them to stop these attacks on working families, urges UFCW Local 655 President David Cook.
Hold onto what you’ve got
“Anytime House Republicans talk about flexibility, working families should reach for their wallets,” said Cook. “H.R. 1406 is just the latest scheme in the war on workers. This bill is an affront to the basic concept that a day’s work deserves a day’s wages paid in currency. It gives employers a clear incentive to push workers toward comp time instead of overtime pay.”
Cook said the bill could also create a scenario where workers find themselves in the awkward position of choosing between their employer’s wishes and their own need for a higher paycheck.
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