I have found that there are generally two types of leaders in the world today. There are the true leaders whom people believe in because they have a vision that people want to follow. Then there are leaders who are bullies; they use their position not to lead, but to force others through intimidation to do what they want. A few weeks ago, Missouri Speaker of the House Tim Jones showed his beliefs on leadership.
He has told us for years that he has a plan and a vision for the state of Missouri and asks elected officials and Missourians to follow his plan because he truly cares for us and has our best interests at heart. According to his plan, workers would lose rights and unions would be weakened. Workers would make less money and pay less taxes. Public employees’ rights to participate in the political process would be eliminated.
On April 25 when two members of his own party did not agree with his position on a particular issue, S
peaker Jones once again showed his idea of leadership. He promptly removed both representatives from their committee positions. He chose not to replace them with more experienced legislators, but with freshman representatives he could then intimidate.
Is this really the type of leadership we want and deserve in our Legislature?
I salute Reps. Denny Hoskins of Warrensburg and Jeff Messenger of Republic for voting their conscience and not being intimidated by the speaker. I am grateful for the courage of these two representatives and hope it is followed by many of the other elected officials in Jefferson City.
The labor movement was founded on unity. Together, we can stand tall and force Speaker Jones to see t
he value in unions and working families.
Dave Cook • Ballwin
President, U.F.C.W Local 655